The Best Reddit Keto Recipes We Could Find

The Best Reddit Keto Recipes We Could Find
Daniel Thompson

on July 03, 2019

At first glance, the ketogenic diet seems pretty straightforward: consume a high amount of healthy fats, a moderate amount of protein, and a very low amount of carbs. Simple, right?

Well, yes and no. While there are endless options for what you can eat on the keto diet, many people find that after a few days or weeks, they fall into a rut eating the same few things over and over again. It’s a plateau that can happen to even the most dedicated keto followers.

In this article, we’ll explain how to break out of your keto diet rut and share one of our favorite resources for finding new and creative low-carb recipes.

Finding the Right Keto Recipes

As with any nutrition plan, eating the same few meals over and over again will get old quickly and could lead to slip-ups. If you’re going to commit to the ketogenic diet for the long haul, you need variety. 

This isn’t just theory; it’s supported by science. Researchers have found that people who experience a greater amount of variety over long periods of time have a higher perceived level of happiness than those who do the same thing over and over again. So if you want to feel satisfied with your diet in the long run, it’s important to switch it up.

To do this, you’ll want to build up a diverse library of keto recipes you can rely on to satisfy your cravings, fill you up and keep you from getting bored with what you’re eating. One of our favorite places to find great keto recipes is on Reddit. 

Enter r/KetoRecipes

Are you familiar with Reddit? Billed as ‘the front page of the internet,’ it’s equal parts forum, informational resource and social media platform. 

Reddit contains a wealth of information organized by topic. The individual sections of the site dedicated to each topic are known as ‘subreddits.’ Each subreddit is labeled like this: r/TopicName. So the subreddit that’s all about ketogenic recipes is called r/KetoRecipes. You can find a subreddit for almost any topic under the sun. 

On r/KetoRecipes, you’ll find thousands of low-carb ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and more submitted by a community of more than 400,000 keto followers just like you. New recipes are added nearly every hour and you can contribute your own, too. 

r/KetoRecipes allows for requests, so you can easily crowdsource input if you’re looking for something specific (like, “my in-laws are coming over. What keto appetizer should I make?”).

The great thing about Reddit is that it’s more than just a static website; it’s interactive. On any thread, you can upvote (the Reddit equivalent of a ‘like’) the topic and leave comments, which is especially useful for recipe posts. 

If you have a question about an unfamiliar ingredient or a step in the recipe, just leave a comment and ask the original poster. You can also skim through the existing comments, where you’ll get ideas for ingredient substitutions or variations and see what others who already made the recipe thought of it. 

How to Find the Best Reddit Keto Recipes

When you first dive into using Reddit, it can feel overwhelming. The site has its own set of norms and lingo, not to mention being jam-packed with content. But we promise, once you get the hang of using Reddit it’ll quickly become an invaluable keto recipe resource. 

Here are some tips to help you navigate r/KetoRecipes more easily. 

First off, all of the threads within a subreddit are further categorized by something called ‘flair.’ These work the same way as tags on a blog, and are used to help you filter similar posts. 

There are a number of flair types on r/KetoRecipes, including Requests, Main Dish, Side Dish, Beverage, and many more. Clicking on any flair label will narrow down the posts you see to only those within that sub-category. You can also add flair to your own posts to help others find it. 

In addition to using flair buttons, you can search for specific topics using the search bar at the top of any subreddit. Also at the top of the subreddit, you can set a filter to see the most popular or the newest posts within a specific time frame (i.e. the most-upvoted posts from the last seven days). 

Next, let’s cover upvoting and downvoting. As we mentioned earlier, upvoting is similar to a ‘like’ on other social media platforms, and downvoting is the opposite. But while likes are meant to express support, upvoting and downvoting literally play a role in moving posts up and down within the thread. 

Posts with a lot of upvotes appear higher, and vice versa. When it comes to keto recipes, upvotes and downvotes are a handy indicator to quickly assess the popularity (or unpopularity) of a recipe with just a glance. If you’re looking for keto recipes that are sure to be a hit, look for ones with a high number of upvotes. 

The next thing to know about as you browse for keto recipes is Reddit lingo. The platform has its own set of abbreviations that are helpful to know as you skim through posts. Here are a few of the most commonly used pieces of lingo you’ll see on r/KetoRecipes:

  • OP: original poster, the person who started the thread
  • TIL: today I learned...
  • AMA: ask me anything
  • ELI5: explain like I’m five
  • TL;DR: too long; didn’t read. Typically used to give a summary following an especially long post

Finally, if you decide you’re ready to do more than just browse recipes and want to start posting, read the rules. Each subreddit has its own set of guidelines designed to make sure things flow smoothly, and if you don’t follow them, a moderator (or mod) may quickly give you the boot. 

For example, r/KetoRecipes has a rule that every recipe post must contain a full recipe with actual measurements for ingredients. It also suggests (but does not require) that recipe posts contain fewer than 10 grams of net carbs. The rules can be found along the right-hand side of any subreddit. 

It’s worthwhile to note that subreddits are highly specific. Posts that are off topic will quickly be flagged and deleted. So, r/KetoRecipes is only for recipes and recipe requests, not questions about the ketogenic diet in general. 

Some other subreddits you might find helpful if you’re just getting started with keto include r/keto for general ketogenic diet discussion and r/ketoscience for a better understanding of the science behind the diet. 

5 Of Our Favorite Reddit Keto Recipes

With thousands of recipes to choose from on r/KetoRecipes, you’ll have no shortage of new ideas to keep you busy in the kitchen. To help you get started, though, here are a few of our all-time favorites from the subreddit. 

Fathead Pizza

If you haven’t tried fathead dough yet, prepare to have your mind blown. It’s a gluten-free, low-carb dough made popular by the creator of the nutrition documentary Fat Head

Fathead dough is made from four simple ingredients, and when cooked it tastes shockingly similar to regular pizza crust. Here’s the recipe for crispy, cheesy fathead pizza as shared by Reddit user u/hooligan0783. Finish it off with your favorite keto-friendly toppings--we’re partial to mushrooms and green peppers, ourselves!

Bacon Cheeseburger Kebabs

Sometimes all you want is a big, juicy burger, but the carb-loaded bun will quickly wreck your ketosis. Cheeseburger kebabs to the rescue! 

These bunless barbecue goodies provide all the savory flavor of the burger you crave in a handy kebab that’s perfect for grilling. Work in your go-to burger toppings, like lettuce, tomato, pickles and of course, bacon. Serve these up at your next backyard get together or tailgate party for a surefire crowd pleaser. 

Smoked Salmon Salad

Feeling fancy? This easy-to-make salad has ‘fine dining’ written all over it. It combines nutritious leafy greens and avocado with serrano-seasoned salmon for a delicious lunchtime meal that feels as if it should be served on a white linen tablecloth. 

Keto McGriddle

Anyone who thinks that the keto diet is about deprivation has clearly never had one of these indulgent breakfast sandwiches. Modeled after the McDonald’s breakfast menu staple, these keto-friendly mock McGriddles use coconut flour and cream cheese to replicate the fluffy pancake crusts found under the golden arches. 

Make them ahead and store them in the fridge for an easy breakfast on the run.   

Dark Chocolate Cake 

We’d be remiss if we didn’t round out our list with a decadent dessert. This dark chocolate cake has less than five net carbs per slice--and that includes the peanut butter frosting!

This recipe calls for black cocoa powder to achieve the dark color, but if you can’t find it you can just as easily swap in normal cocoa powder, which is available in the baking aisle of any supermarket. Top it with the signature frosting and some berries for the perfect birthday treat. 

About Left Coast Performance

If you’d like to get more guidance on your keto journey than finding recipes on Reddit, Left Coast Performance is here to help. We offer only premium, clean label ingredients with no artificial flavors, artificial coloring or fillers. All orders come with free shipping and a 100% no risk money back guarantee. 

On the company’s blog, you’ll find informational articles on the ketogenic diet along with keto-friendly products, tips, and frequently asked questions. 

For more information on Left Coast Performance visit You can also follow the company on Instagram

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